Thursday, February 25, 2010

adding to my short story

There stood Timmy, facing a crowd of parents and family members who came to watch their young sons and daughters speak out their dreams for their own futures. Nervous and scared Timmy sheepishly blurts out "I want to become a pilot, so I can take my mommy everywhere around the world" then applause as he walks of the stage shaking.

somewhere this will be placed in the story maybe the ending:

It has been nine years and the Timmy that we once knew became Tim who owns his own Restaurant, as father to two wonderful children and a magnificent wife. This we can conclude, is a happy ending, though life is not over and there will always be bumpy patches on the road of life but this will never stop them.

the short short story:

Through out high school myy career path has always been shady and it seemed as if everyone around had their own path lit up for them to follow, but me. Which brought major weight on my back. Then junior year opened up and many options opened up. I decided to take culinary and the fog was alleviated from my path and it became more clearer. I know the direction and i know what i want to pursue. I love cooking.

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